December 23rd, 2009 at 01:20 am
so i know it has been way too long since i checked in..! well much has changed since last time.. i got engaged in september and got married in november.(yes quick i Well since we were not spending most of our savings on a wedding, we just got it over with. Things are great.. I also started graduate school in september. I will be done with my program in May 2011. It has been a lot of hard work and dedication, but i know it will be worth it in the end. My husband and i have decided to hold out on buying a house so we can save enough money to either buy in cash or at least put down 50%.. I KNOW we can do it, because we are both disciplined and focused..My part-time business (personal training) is doing great.. I run a bootcamp this past summer and it was a success.. i am currently training clients one on one.. Since i am paying for graduate school from my pocket, i am taking better control of the money from my training since this my main source of income for paying tuition.. so far, after paying off $4000 for 6 credits this past fall, i have a balance of $1080 generated from the month of Decembers' training.. my goal is to have enough at the end of each semester to payoff the tuition in cash.. SO far so good.. i am grateful.. i will keep you all updated..! God bless
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Saving Money,
Am Just saying...
April 27th, 2009 at 01:24 am
so i've been gone for some time now, in that time period, i have spent way too much money on unnecessary things.. I am back and ready to save..
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Am Just saying...
February 9th, 2009 at 01:05 am
just setting sympathy to all who are getting laid off.. i pray for you and your families in these hard times. I hope for strength and continued blessings even as we all struggle. I know that with courage and love for each other, we will get through this...
God bless you all
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Am Just saying...
February 2nd, 2009 at 12:41 am
so this weekend i must say that i spend way more than i anticipate.. Friday, Dinner with current and an old friend in Hoboken, NJ, Pricey, but great company.. Saturday, DMV, for license renewal, $24(wow) 6 week visit to the hair salon, way too much money.. but very much needed..
This week begins my new extra healthier diet.. i need to loose at least 5lbs so i can improve my race time for my half marathon in May.. i went to Costco and bought some water, spinach, lettuce, oranges, chicken, etc.. i plan on not eating out during the week for the month of feb...
I need to save money and loose some weight..
wish me luck,
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Am Just saying...
January 26th, 2009 at 12:03 am
today, i was able to pull off a surprise baby shower for my dear friend SS. .. we had a blast.. I imperative as it is for all of us to be careful with our spending in this economy, there are times when it is OK to spend a little more than we are comfortable with, especially if it brings joy and laughter to the one's we love. In to total i spend a little over $200 on gifts and a few other things... I have to say that i was HAPPY to have spent that money.. No impulses,No regrets, no items to anticipate returning, Just Pure and outer love of giving to a friend who deserves so much more...TODAY, I declared A NON-FRUGAL day!!,,, I am glad to know that i brought happiness and joy to a friend today!!
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Am Just saying...